Technology Community Events – Kick off meeting
This series of events address stakeholders that have expertise across the breadth of Structured Content Authoring and Conversion tools as well as consumers of ePI.
The structure and delivery means of patient information is changing with digital health platforms and is driven by patient needs and personalization.
We will kick off with invitations to the following workshops and these may lead to further events for example Connectathons / Hackathons to be held in 2Q 2023 and beyond.
The first Meeting of this series was held virtually on Monday 20 March 2023, at 14:00 – 15:30 CET.
Meeting 1 topics:
- Introduction to ePI and Vulcan and Gravitate Health Consortiums
- EMA demo of ePI authoring tool
- Introduction to the key technology challenges (FHIR conversion, focusing)
- Introduction to each other, next steps & sign up for subsequent events
The recording of the meeting and presentations are available here:
Your opinion is valuable
The short Mentimeter Survey is closed.
The 2nd Meeting will focus on the theme “Open innovation – As technology providers how can we solve the challenges?” and will also include technology demonstrators.
The date will be announced following Meeting 1.